What exactly are you paying for? There are many types of car insurance coverage. Find out what each of them do. People refer to “car insurance” as if...
It sounds contradictory, but it’s a very helpful form of insurance. Here’s what inland marine insurance is and why you need it. As you may recall from our...
We recently had the honor and pleasure of appearing on The Ridiculously Amazing Insurance Agent Podcast with Kelly Donohue-Piro and wanted to express our gratitude for the (ridiculously amazing)...
Florida is famous for many threats—hurricanes, alligators, the eponymous “Florida Man”—but one of its most dangerous features lurks right underground: sinkholes. Which begs the question: “How does this affect...
You’ve been denied insurance coverage…all because of your electrical panel. Learn why Federal Pacific breakers (and other panels) are ineligible for insurance. You rely on electricity to power...
Recently, our very own Julie Levine was featured on Re:Applied, the official podcast of Applied Systems Technology. We use Applied’s agency management system, TAM, on a daily basis and...
What exactly is E&O Coverage? Whether you’ve heard it called Errors and Omissions insurance or Professional Liability insurance, let’s take a closer look at what it is (and why...
Looking for the best deal on auto insurance? In this article, we’ll find out who has the best car insurance for you and your budget. Whether you own your car...
Julie Levine: Hi everyone and welcome to the Harry Levine Insurance YouTube channel. Thank you for joining us. My name is Julie Levine. I’d like to welcome our special...